Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from my little tiger and Dumbo!  Brady absolutely loved his costume, especially his face paint.  He also enjoyed going around to everyone saying Grrrrrrr.  He had so much fun and loved getting so many treats!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Our Champion

We had a great day at Al's Run in Milwaukee!  We are so proud of our Champion!  Thanks to all family and friends who walked and ran as well!  (Caleb was sleeping so he missed out on the family picture)

All Together

Grandma and Grandpa Van Groll with all of their grandchildren!  The kids did a great job posing for this picture!  We love you lots Grandma and Grandpa!

Blue Harbor Water Park

Before school started the boys got one last getaway to Blue Harbor Water Park.  Both Brady and Caleb LOVED the water!  Caleb was splashing constantly and Brady enjoyed going down the big tube slide!  Thanks Aunt Cookie and Barbie for the great time!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Staying Cool

With all the hot summer days, Brady and Caleb stay cool by swimming in our little pool.  We add our slide and Brady has a "mini waterpark". 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Fun


We have already been very busy this summer playing at parks, chilling at home, and playing outside.  Brady loved helping Daddy wash the cars and Caleb has started eating rice cereal and veggies.  It will continue to be a fun and exciting summer!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Fun

We had an excellent Easter! Brady got to find lots of eggs with both the Thiedes and the Van Grolls and enjoyed finding both his and Caleb's Easter baskets. We are so blessed!